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This week on Going That with Dr. Mike, singer and actor Mackenzie Ziegler, then known as Kenzie, discusses the perils of people-pleasing and learning to handle personal relationships. Listen in on Kenzie’s conversation above or on any other audiobooks where she discusses her personal journey with mental illness.

Kenzie examines how her early experiences with the media finally affected how she came to understand her emotional wellbeing. The designer discusses incorporating such experiences and emotions into her art before examining behavioral patterns that she herself recognize and believe inhibit self care, such as extremely socially acceptable behavior. She even reveals how talking about her difficult relationship with her father and her mental health journey in treatments helped her write the music “anatomy.”

In the new episode of Going That with Dr. Mike, Kenzie and her father discuss all of this and more. You can also watch a portion of the conversation via the video player above or on YouTube. Finally, please make sure to enjoy, review, and listen to the present, presented by the Consequence Podcast Network and Sound Mind Live, wherever you get your apps.

Season 5 of Going That with Dr. Mike is presented by Johnson &amp, Johnson, who believes that wellness is everything. Through their Facebook and Twitter websites, you can learn more about Johnson & Johnson. AbbVie, who is advancing the goal of improving mental wellbeing, even presents Season 5 of Going That with Dr. Mike. Find out more about AbbVie on their Instagram and Twitter websites.

Those in need of emotional wellbeing help you check out the Sound Mind Live resources site for a list of helplines, area programs, treatment links, and more.